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Uber Statistics: How Many People Ride with Uber?

Brian Dean

Written by Brian Dean

Uber Statistics: How Many People Ride with Uber?

Uber is the leading global rideshare app. The service is available in more than 10,000 cities across 70 countries.

The company exploded to prominence following its foundation in 2009, hitting $1 billion in annualized gross bookings within 16 months.

Today, 149 million customers use the Uber platform. 7.1 million drivers serve the growing user base.

Uber processed $68.9 billion in gross bookings from its ridesharing business in 2023. And $18.67 billion in Q1 2024.

Continue reading to find the latest data on Uber in 2024.

To begin with, here’s a quick overview of the statistics you’re about to read:

Key Uber Stats

  • Uber has 149 million active users.
  • Uber processed $68.9 billion worth of bookings in 2023.
  • 2.57 billion rides were completed through Uber in Q1 2024.
  • Uber has a 76% share of the US rideshare market.
  • Uber currently has 30,400 employees.

Uber Monthly Active Users

Uber defines monthly active platform consumers (MAPCs) as the number of unique customers who complete a ride or receive a meal delivery through Uber at least once a month. The monthly average is calculated on a quarterly basis.

As of March 2024, Uber had 149 million monthly active platform consumers. Compared to a year ago (Q1 2023), the number of monthly users has increased by 14.62%.

Uber Monthly Active Users

We’ve charted the growth in Uber’s monthly active platform consumers since Q1 2016:

Date Uber Monthly Active Platform Consumers
Q1 2016 19 million
Q2 2016 25 million
Q3 2016 33 million
Q4 2016 45 million
Q1 2017 49 million
Q2 2017 57 million
Q3 2017 62 million
Q4 2017 68 million
Q1 2018 70 million
Q2 2018 76 million
Q3 2018 82 million
Q4 2018 91 million
Q1 2019 93 million
Q2 2019 99 million
Q3 2019 103 million
Q4 2019 111 million
Q1 2020 103 million
Q2 2020 55 million
Q3 2020 78 million
Q4 2020 93 million
Q1 2021 98 million
Q2 2021 101 million
Q3 2021 109 million
Q4 2021 118 million
Q1 2022 115 million
Q2 2022 122 million
Q3 2022 124 million
Q4 2022 131 million
Q1 2023 130 million
Q2 2023 137 million
Q3 2023 142 million
Q4 2023 150 million
Q1 2024 149 million

Source: Uber

Uber Gross Mobility Bookings

Uber defines the mobility segment of its business as any service which links customers to “mobility drivers”. Essentially, the term refers to the ride-hailing part of Uber’s model.

Uber processed $18.67 billion in gross mobility bookings in Q1 2024.

Uber Gross Mobility Bookings

Bookings across all Uber segments totaled $37.65 billion in Q1 2024, meaning rideshares accounted for 49.59% of the total gross transaction value.

In 2023, Uber mobility bookings amounted to $68.9 billion, showing a 30.82% year-over-year increase.

Below is a table showing Uber’s gross mobility bookings since 2017:

Date Uber Gross Mobility Bookings
Q1 2017 $6.5 billion
Q2 2017 $7.48 billion
Q3 2017 $8.2 billion
Q4 2017 $9.19 billion
Q1 2018 $9.38 billion
Q2 2018 $10.17 billion
Q3 2018 $10.49 billion
Q4 2018 $11.48 billion
Q1 2019 $11.45 billion
Q2 2019 $12.19 billion
Q3 2019 $12.55 billion
Q4 2019 $13.51 billion
Q1 2020 $10.87 billion
Q2 2020 $3.05 billion
Q3 2020 $5.9 billion
Q4 2020 $6.79 billion
Q1 2021 $6.77 billion
Q2 2021 $8.64 billion
Q3 2021 $9.88 billion
Q4 2021 $11.34 billion
Q1 2022 $10.72 billion
Q2 2022 $13.36 billion
Q3 2022 $13.68 billion
Q4 2022 $14.89 billion
Q1 2023 $14.98 billion
Q2 2023 $16.73 billion
Q3 2023 $17.9 billion
Q4 2023 $19.29 billion
Q1 2024 $18.67 billion

Source: Uber

Uber Trips

Uber had 2.57 billion trips in Q1 2024.

Uber Trips

(“Trips” refers to any completed ride or delivery organized through the platform.)

Uber crossed the 1 billion quarterly trips milestone at the end of 2017.

Here’s a table with the number of quarterly trips on Uber since 2016:

Date Uber Trips
Q1 2016 268 million
Q2 2016 362 million
Q3 2016 501 million
Q4 2016 687 million
Q1 2017 774 million
Q2 2017 889 million
Q3 2017 985 million
Q4 2017 1.09 billion
Q1 2018 1.14 billion
Q2 2018 1.24 billion
Q3 2018 1.35 billion
Q4 2018 1.49 billion
Q1 2019 1.55 billion
Q2 2019 1.68 billion
Q3 2019 1.77 billion
Q4 2019 1.9 billion
Q1 2020 1.66 billion
Q2 2020 737 million
Q3 2020 1.18 billion
Q4 2020 1.44 billion
Q1 2021 1.45 billion
Q2 2021 1.51 billion
Q3 2021 1.64 billion
Q4 2021 1.77 billion
Q1 2022 1.71 billion
Q2 2022 1.87 billion
Q3 2022 1.95 billion
Q4 2022 2.1 billion
Q1 2023 2.12 billion
Q2 2023 2.28 billion
Q3 2023 2.44 billion
Q4 2023 2.6 billion
Q1 2024 2.57 billion

Source: Uber

Uber Mobility Revenue

Uber takes a “service fee” cut from each ride booked through the platform.

The mobility (ridesharing) segment of the business generated $19.83 billion in annual revenue in 2023. In Q1 2024, Uber’s mobility revenue amounted to $5.63 billion.

Uber Mobility Revenue

Here’s a table showing Uber’s annual revenue from the mobility segment since 2016:

Note: Uber applied changes to its accounting policy during this period, so revenue inclusions in the mobility segment may differ from year to year.
Year Uber Mobility Revenue
2016 $3 billion
2017 $6.89 billion
2018 $9.29 billion
2019 $10.7 billion
2020 $6.09 billion
2021 $6.95 billion
2022 $14.03 billion
2023 $19.83 billion
Q1 2024 $5.6 billion

Source: Uber

What Is Uber’s Share of the US Rideshare Market?

In March 2024, Uber had a 76% market share of the US ride-hailing market. Uber’s market share peaked as high as 91% in 2015 and has declined ever since.

Uber US Market Share

We’ve charted Uber’s market share in the US since 2015:

Date Uber US Market Share
January 2015 91%
July 2015 91%
January 2016 87%
July 2016 84%
January 2017 82%
July 2017 75%
January 2018 71%
July 2018 71%
April 2019 69%
July 2020 70%
January 2021 68%
September 2021 68%
January 2022 71%
May 2022 72%
May 2023 75%
November 2023 76%
February 2024 76%
March 2024 76%

Sources: Second Measure, Vox

Uber US Users

As of 2024, Uber has 44.1 million users in the US, up from 41.1 million in 2023.

Uber US Users

Another 19 million users in the US access ridesharing service from both Uber and Lyft.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of Uber users in the US since 2019:

Note: The data above includes estimates.
Year Uber US Users Lyft US Users Both
2019 $39.7 million $18.0 million $14.0 million
2020 $28.6 million $12.5 million $5.8 million
2021 $37.4 million $15.3 million $8.9 million
2022 $37.7 million $16.1 million $11.6 million
2023 $41.1 million $17.6 million $13.3 million
2024 $44.1 million $19.0 million $14.5 million

Source: eMarketer

How Many Uber Drivers Are There?

In Q1 2024, Uber had 7.1 million drivers and couriers on the platform who earned $16.6 billion during the quarter on the platform. The driver pool has increased by 24.56% from 5.7 million drivers and couriers in Q1 2023.

In Q1 2024, Uber had 7.1 million drivers and couriers on the platform

Here’s a detailed breakdown of Uber drivers and couriers since Q1 2023:

Date Uber Drivers and Couriers
Q1 2023 5.7 million
Q2 2023 6 million
Q3 2023 6.5 million
Q4 2023 6.8 million
Q1 2024 7.1 million

Source: Uber

Uber Membership

Uber offers paid subscription memberships (Uber One Uber Pass, Rides Pass, and Eats Pass) which offer benefits on rides and deliveries.

At the end of 2023, Uber had 19 million members.

Source: Uber

How Many People Work at Uber?

Uber has 30,400 employees around the world. 17,500 Uber employees (57.57%) are based outside of the United States.

Uber has 30,400 employees around the world

The average annual base salary at Uber is $150,000. The median base salary of an employee on an H1-B visa is $165,000.

Sources: Uber, H1B Salary Database


You’ve reached the end of my list of Uber stats for 2024.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of Uber’s ride-sharing business. It will be interesting to follow whether Uber will stay dominant in the ridesharing market and how it will handle increasing regulation challenges.