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133 Super Interesting Social Marketing Media Stats

This is a list of UPDATED social media marketing statistics.

On this list of stats you’ll find up-to-date data on:

  • Facebook use and engagement
  • Social media advertising
  • Instagram engagement
  • Snapchat marketing
  • And more

So if you’re looking for new and updated social media stats, you’ve come to the
right place.

Social Media Marketing Stats

01.Facebook Statistics

Facebook may not be growing like it used to. But it’s still the biggest social media platform on the planet (by a mile). So it’s no wonder that a majority of businesses say that Facebook is their #1 social media marketing channel. That said: how relevant is Facebook marketing in 2023? Let’s see what the data says…

  1. As of Q2 2020, Facebook reported having 2.7 billion active monthly users (Statista)
  2. Facebook users spend an average of 58 minutes daily using the mobile app (TechJury)
  3. 66.09% of all of Facebook’s monthly users will log on to the platform daily (Statista)
  4. Wednesday at 11am and 1pm are the best times to post on Facebook (Sprout Social)
  5. 59% of marketers cite Facebook as the most important social channel they use for business (Social Media Examiner)
    59% Of Marketers Cite Facebook As The Most Important Social Channel They Use For Business
  6. 69% of U.S. adults use Facebook (Pew Research)
  7. It only takes a quarter of a second of exposure for someone on Facebook to be able to recall a piece of content (Facebook)
  8. Facebook Stories has been adopted by over 150 million users (Facebook)
  9. Mobile accounts for 95.1% of all Facebook sessions (TechJury)
    Mobile Accounts For 95.1% Of All Facebook Sessions
  10. The average Facebook visit lasts for 6 minutes and 23 seconds (eMarketer)
  11. Non-English speakers make up 50% of Facebook users (Sprout Social)
  12. 43.6% of Facebook users worldwide are women. The largest single group is males aged 25-34 (19.3%) (Statista)
  13. More than 4 out of every 5 Facebook users are ages 45 and under (Statista)
  14. India has the largest user base by country, making up roughly 10.74% of all Facebook monthly active users. The US, coming in second place, accounts for just over 7% of all users (Sprout Social)
  15. 74% of people who earn at least $75k/year are Facebook users (Sprout Social)
  16. Facebook posts that include an image get 2.3x the engagement (BuzzSumo)
  17. 85% of videos viewed on Facebook are watched without audio (Digiday)
  18. Native Facebook videos receive an average of 530% more comments as compared to YouTube videos shared on Facebook (Quintly)

02.Instagram Marketing Statistics

Instagram marketing isn’t only for “influencers”. As you’re about to see, industry studies show that businesses of all shapes and sizes can benefit from having a presence on this growing platform.

  1. A study conducted by Rival IQ found that the median engagement rate on Instagram is 1.22%, compared to only 0.09% on Facebook and 0.048% on Twitter (Rival IQ)
  2. In 2020, image posts overtook permanent video posts for average number of interactions (Mention)
  3. Wednesdays at 11am or Fridays between 10am and 11am are the best times to post on Instagram (Sprout Social)
  4. There are over 1 billion monthly active internet users on Instagram (Instagram)
  5. Instagram has over 500 million daily stories active (Instagram)
  6. The top 3 countries with the most Instagram users are the United States (130 million), India (100 million), and Brazil (91 million) (Statista)
  7. 37% of U.S. adults use Instagram (Pew Research)
  8. 60% of Instagram users visit the social platform on a daily basis (
  9. 80% of Instagram users follow a business (Instagram)
  10. 68% of people who use Instagram on a weekly basis visit Instagram to interact with creators (Instagram)
  11. 42% of U.S. women on Instagram consider shopping a hobby (Instagram)
  12. 72% of Instagram users claim to have made a product purchase after seeing it on the app (Business Insider)
  13. Over 100 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram daily (Omnicore)
  14. Instagram posts with faces get 38% more likes (Georgia Tech)
  15. Instagram is the second most-used social media platform among marketers, behind only Facebook (HubSpot)
  16. Over 500 million accounts on Instagram are using Stories (Instagram)
  17. More than 150 million people use Instagram Direct each month to communicate directly with a business (Instagram)

03.LinkedIn Statistics

LinkedIn may not be the hot new social media site (it started way back in 2003… before Facebook!). But since Microsoft acquired LinkedIn, they’ve modernized the platform in a big way. And B2B marketers are taking notice. Check out this list of social media marketing stats focused on LinkedIn to see why.

  1. Wednesdays between 9am and 10am or 12pm are the best times to post to LinkedIn (Sprout Social)
  2. 19 in 20 B2B marketers used LinkedIn for organic content marketing within the last year, making it the most popular social network in this regard (Content Marketing Institute)
  3. LinkedIn has over 706 million users worldwide (LinkedIn)
  4. There are over 50 million companies on LinkedIn (LinkedIn)
  5. Over 70% of LinkedIn members reside outside of the U.S. (LinkedIn)
  6. 27% of U.S. adults use LinkedIn (
  7. 82% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is their most successful content marketing channel (LinkedIn)
  8. 97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to help drive their content marketing strategy (LinkedIn)
  9. 51% of U.S. adults with a college degree use LinkedIn (Pew Research)
  10. Among B2Bs, LinkedIn is the most popular social network for paid content as well as organic material. 76% of marketers posted paid content on LinkedIn within the last year, ahead of Facebook (66%) (Content Marketing Institute)
  11. LinkedIn is responsible for 46% of the traffic coming from social media to B2B websites (LinkedIn)
  12. 80% of B2B leads coming from social media are from LinkedIn (LinkedIn)
  13. 57% of all the traffic on LinkedIn’s platform is conducted on mobile (LinkedIn)
  14. 43% of B2B marketers have claimed to have generated a customer through LinkedIn (LinkedIn)

04.Twitter Statistics

Twitter may not have the 1 billion+ user base of Facebook or YouTube. But it’s still one of the biggest social media sites on the planet. And for certain industries (like tech and business) it’s the undisputed go-to site.

  1. Over 500 million tweets are posted daily (Twitter)
    Over 500 Million Tweets Are Posted Daily
  2. Twitter claims to have 321 million monthly users (Washington Post)
  3. Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am are the best times to post to Twitter (Sprout Social)
  4. Nearly 80% of Twitter users reside outside of the U.S. (PR Newswire)
  5. 22% of U.S. adults use Twitter (Pew Research)
  6. 42% of U.S. adults who use Twitter visit the platform at least once daily (Pew Research)
  7. 71% of Twitter users get news on the site (Pew Research)
  8. 59% of B2B marketers use Twitter to market their businesses, as compared to 53% of B2C marketers (Statista)
  9. Roughly 40% of Twitter users claim to have made a purchase directly from an influencer’s tweet (Twitter)
  10. 61% of Twitter users follow a creator on the platform (Twitter)
  11. Mobile Twitter users spend an average of 158.2 minutes each month on the social media platform (Statista)
  12. Tweets containing a GIF boost engagement by 55% (Twitter)
  13. Viewing media is one of the key reasons people use Twitter. 42% of American users cited looking at photos as a Twitter activity, with 32% using the platform for video. Only news (56%) ranks higher (Statista)

05.Pinterest Statistics

Should Pinterest be part of your social media marketing strategy? If so, how should you use the platform to turn pins into more sales for your business? Well, these Pinterest marketing stats will help you answer those questions.

  1. Pinterest has more than 459 million users (Pinterest)
  2. 28% of U.S. adults use Pinterest (Pew Research)
    28% of U.S. adults use Pinterest
  3. 90% of weekly Pinterest users use the platform to help them make purchase decisions (Pinterest)
  4. 35% of U.S. adults ages 30-49 are Pinterest users (Statista)
  5. 70% of Pinterest users find new products using the platform (Pinterest)
  6. 66% of users buy something from a brand after seeing one of their pins (Pinterest)
  7. 60% of Pinners say they get ideas on what to buy from the site, placing it higher than any other single source (Pinterest)
  8. 59% of Pinterest users discover more information about their product purchases using the platform (Pinterest)
  9. 79.5% of U.S. based Pinterest users are female (Statista)
  10. 29% of B2C marketers used Pinterest to promote their business within the last 12 months (Content Marketing Institute)
  11. 85% of Pinterest users visit the social platform on mobile (Pinterest)
  12. There are more than 2x more travelers on Pinterest than the top online travel agency sites (Pinterest)

06.YouTube Statistics

It’s hard to believe that, with 1 billion active users, YouTube is still growing. How big is YouTube in 2023? And how do people consume video content on YouTube? Let’s find out.

  1. YouTube holds the #1 spot for the most-widely used online platform among US adults (Pew Research)
  2. 73% of U.S. adults use YouTube (Pew Research)
  3. 85% of video marketers are using YouTube as part of their content marketing (HubSpot)
  4. Over 1 billion hours of video are consumed on YouTube daily (YouTube)
  5. 70% of YouTube’s total watchtime comes from mobile (YouTube)
  6. Brian Dean analyzed 1.3 million YouTube Videos and found that comment count, views, shares, and likes are all strongly correlated with higher rankings on YouTube (Backlinko)
  7. The average video ranking on YouTube’s first page of results is 14 minutes and 50 seconds in length (Backlinko)
  8. 68.2% of videos that rank on the first page of YouTube are in HD (Backlinko)
  9. More than 500 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute (Statista)
  10. Youtube is the third-largest search engine in the world, behind only Google and Google Images (SparkToro)
  11. 9 out of 10 of the best performing YouTube videos use a custom thumbnail (YouTube)
  12. 78.9% of videos ranking in the top 10 of Google’s search results are hosted on YouTube (Perficient Digital)
  13. YouTube’s reach to adults during prime-time TV hours is more than any cable TV network (Google)

07.Snapchat Statistics

Snapchat definitely skews to a younger demographic. That said: if you’re target audience is 18-29, then it might be a platform to try out. These stats will help you figure out whether or not Snapchat makes sense for you.

  1. Snapchat has 238 million daily active users (Statista)
  2. There are roughly 2.1 million Snaps created every minute on Snapchat (Statista)
  3. 24% of U.S. adults use Snapchat (Pew Research)
  4. 62% of people in the U.S. ages 18-29 years old use Snapchat (Pew Research)
  5. 61% of U.S. adults who use Snapchat use the app at least once daily (Pew Research)
  6. Running a geofilter on an area roughly the size of a suburban home costs an average of $5-$20/day (Buycustomgeofilters)
  7. Roughly 61% of Snapchat’s user base is female (Statista)
  8. Snapchat users send an average of 34.1 messages daily (CNBC)
  9. Snapchat users spend an average of 34.5 minutes each day on the platform (CNBC)

08.Social Media Advertising Stats

Does advertising on social media work? If so, what platforms and approaches have the highest ROI? Let’s see what the stats have to say.

  1. 53% of organizations engage in paid social ads (Hootsuite)
  2. Global social media ad spend is expected to reach nearly $99B by the end of 2020 (Statista)
  3. Facebook ads have an average cost-per-click of $1.86 (Fit Small Business)
  4. Facebook ads have an average cost-per-thousand-views of $11.19 (Fit Small Business)
  5. The average conversion rate of Facebook ads is 9.21% (Wordstream)
  6. The average number of ads that a Facebook user clicks on each month is 13. That rises to 15 among women (Hootsuite)
  7. 25.1% of business pages on Facebook have incorporated paid media (Hootsuite)
  8. 30 second ads on YouTube videos have a view-through rate 30% higher than 15 second ads (Google)
  9. Over 2 million businesses use Instagram for advertising (Instagram)
  10. 7 million businesses use Facebook for advertising (Facebook)
  11. Promoted tweets that include videos reduce cost per engagement by 50% (Twitter)
  12. The percentage of total marketing budgets dedicated to social media advertising reached 23.2% in June 2020, with a little further growth expected in the next 12 months (The CMO Survey)
  1. Approximately 3.6 billion people use social media (Statista)
  2. 94% of marketers use Facebook. Instagram comes in second with 76%, followed by LinkedIn (59%) and Twitter (53%) (Social Media Examiner)
  3. 67% of marketers believe that social media will increasingly contribute to a company’s revenue (Hootsuite)
  4. Influencer marketing continues to increase, with 57% of businesses in the fashion and beauty industry now using it. 71% of marketers across all industries cite influencer partnerships as good for business (Digital Marketing Institute)
  5. Facebook is still the top social media platform used by marketers, followed by Instagram and Twitter (HubSpot)
  6. The majority of social media users (58%) prefer visual content over text in their feeds (Sprout Social)
  7. Only 34% of organizations measure the ROI of their social media activities (Hootsuite)
  8. The average person spends 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media and social messaging each day (GlobalWebIndex)
  9. As of July 2020, the number of global active users for Facebook is 2.603 billion, Instagram is 1.082 billion, SnapChat is 397 million, Twitter is 326 million and LinkedIn is 303 million (Statista)
  10. The top 3 ways marketers focus their social media content is around teaching (61%), storytelling (58%), and inspirational posts (53%) (Sprout Social)
  11. Backlinko and Buzzsumo teamed up to analyze 912 million blog posts and found that headlines containing 14-17 words result in 76.7% more social shares compared to short headlines (Backlinko)
  12. Building brand awareness is the top goal companies want to achieve from their social media strategy (HooteSuite)
  13. Blog posts consisting of 1,000-2,000 words receive an average of 56.1% more social shares as compared to content with fewer than 1,000 words (Backlinko)
  14. On average, headlines in the form of a question get 23.3% more shares on social than other headline types (Backlinko)
  15. List posts result in 218% more social shares than “how to” posts and 203% more shares compared to infographics (Backlinko)
  16. 1.3% of all posts published on the internet receive 75% of all social shares (Backlinko)
  17. Only 41% of people across the world trust social media (Edelman)
  18. 40% of consumers state they only become emotionally attached to a brand if they interact with them on social media (Edelman)
  19. 64% of businesses have already or are planning to incorporate Instagram Stories into their social media strategy (Hootsuite)
  20. Stories are growing 15 times faster than posts in the feed (Hootsuite)
  21. Nearly a third of Facebook’s entire advertising audience is between 25 and 34 years old (Data Reportal)
  22. 58% of B2C companies consider the time and money spent on social media to be valuable, as compared to 46% of B2B companies (Clutch)
  23. A study conducted by Rival IQ found that the average number of daily Facebook posts is 0.83, Instagram posts is 0.62, and Tweets is 0.77 (Rival IQ)
  24. List posts of “10” receive 4x as many social shares as compared to those with of 23, which is the second most popular number for list posts (OkDork)
  25. The top 3 platforms that marketers use to post organic videos and video ads are YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn, with Instagram a close 4th (Wyzowl)


There you have it: my giant list of social media marketing statistics.

Considering how quickly social media changes, this list will be kept up to date. That way, you never have to wonder: “Are these stats still relevant?”.

With that, I’d like to hear what you have to say.

Which stat surprised you the most? Or maybe you have a stat of your own to share.

Either way, go ahead and share your thoughts in the comments section below.


  1. Great article but there are some updates to pinterest you should update your content

  2. Hey Brian,

    This is just what I was looking for. And as always landed on backlinko.

    I personally loved the fact that 61% of marketers cite Facebook as the most important social channel they use for business.

    Here’s a question I have for you: I was reading an article about social media statistics and found these two facts:

    1. Almost 1.3 Billion people use messenger regularly &
    2. Facebook messages have a 70% better open rate than email marketing.

    If that is correct, as a live chat/ chatbot option, which one would you prefer for a business website?

    Facebook messenger plugin or Generic website chatbot? (AI or live)

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks John. To answer your question: I’d go with a Facebook messenger plugin for sure. I recommend MobileMonkey for that.

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