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7 Advanced Content Promotion Strategies for 2022

Brian Dean

Written by Brian Dean

7 Advanced Content Promotion Strategies for 2020

Today I’m going to reveal 7 of my all-time favorite content promotion techniques.

In fact:

These are the same exact strategies that I used to get 7,077 visits on one of my posts… in less than a week:

Backlinko visitors spike

Let’s dive right in.

Before You Promote ANYTHING, Keep This In Mind…

Most people fail with content promotion for one simple reason:

Their content STINKS.

For example, check out this outreach email someone sent me some time ago:

Bad outreach email – Infographic

Was this outreach email good?


It’s actually pretty terrible.

But that’s not why I deleted it.

I deleted it because they sent me a crappy infographic!

I really can’t emphasize this enough:

If your post is something like “5 Tips for Losing Weight” or “8 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important”, don’t bother promoting it.

But if you have something truly AMAZING, then you’ll find that people are happy to share your stuff.

Note: If you want to learn more about what it takes to get eyes on your content, I recommend this actionable course.

With that little caveat out of the way, it’s time for our first strategy…

Strategy #1: (Targeted) Blogger Outreach

So you just published an awesome piece of content.

Now what?

It’s time to promote it with blogger outreach.

In fact, one of my latest blog posts got a nice spike in traffic largely due to a single tweet from an influential blogger:

Backlinko – Traffic spike

The question is…


All you need to do is find bloggers that share content on your topic…

…and send them a non-pushy email.

Here’s a real-life example of this process in action:

First, I sent a personalized email to a blogger that’s already shared content on my topic:

Brian's outreach email – Content marketing study

(That way, I knew she’d actually WANT to read my post… before I hit “send”.)

Then, when she got back to me, I sent her a link:

Content marketing study outreach email – Replies

(Pro Tip: Don’t ask the person to share or link to your content. If they think your content is good, they’ll share it.)

Because I wasn’t a pushy jerkface, this blogger was happy to spread the word:

Skyscraper Technique – Outreach email reply

That’s all there is to it.

Note: If you want to learn A LOT more about blogger outreach I recommend reading this in-depth guide:

Backlinko – Blogger outreach

Strategy #2: Content Roundups

Imagine if people published blog posts with the sole purpose of linking out to quality content.

(The type of quality content that you already publish on your site.)

It’d be pretty great, right?

Fortunately for us, that’s a real thing. And they’re called content roundups.

(Also sometimes called “Link Roundups”.)

Here’s an example:

Aillum – Digital marketing roundup

So: what are link roundups?

Link roundups are daily, weekly or monthly blog posts that link to AWESOME content.

Here’s an example of a link I built from a roundup:

SEO content marketing roundup

Now, let’s break down the exact process I used to get this link.

First, find roundups in your niche.

Here are a few search strings that work really well.

  • “Keyword” + “link roundup”
  • “Keyword” + roundup
  • “Keyword” + “best of”
  • “Keyword” + this week

Next, pitch your content.

Here’s the email script that I personally use.

And if your post is a good fit for that person’s roundup, you’ll get a sweet link.

Backlinko – Link from roundup

Strategy #3: Email Newsletter Promotion

This is HUGE.

If you want more people to read your content, you need to start building your email list.

(And then let your subscribers know about your new stuff.)

Case in point:

A while ago I sent out this tweet to promote my latest blog post:

Latest blog post promo tweet

That Tweet got a grand total of 111 clicks:

Total tweet clicks

I also sent a newsletter to my email subscribers.

How many clicks did the newsletter get?


Total clicks email

(To be fair, I have twice as many email subscribers than Twitter followers. But you get the idea.)

And if you want to get started building your email list, I recommend checking out this list of 17 untapped list building strategies, tips and techniques.

Backlinko – List building post

Strategy #4: Content Transformation

Content Transformation is simple:

You simply convert one of your blog posts into another format (like an ebook, video, infographic or podcast).

For example, I published this post on my blog a while back:

Backlinko – SEO Checklist

As you can see, this post generated lots of social shares…

SEO Checklist – Social shares

…and comments.

SEO Checklist – Comments

But I knew that I could squeeze even more value out of this content.

So I turned that post into a YouTube Video:

YouTube – Higher Google rankings video

To date, that single video has generated almost 500k views… and hundreds of website visitors.

(All from a piece of content that I published YEARS ago.)


Strategy #5: The Content Relaunch

Sometimes the best way to promote your content is to revamp and relaunch it.

(Also known as “The Content Relaunch”.)

Here’s an example:

Some time ago, I revamped and relaunched this list of SEO copywriting tactics:

Backlinko – SEO copywriting

So I shared the post on social media:

SEO Copywriting post – Twitter share

And sent out an announcement to my email subscribers:

SEO Copywriting – Newsletter

This led to a significant boost in traffic (including over 10k visitors in one day):

SEO Copywriting – Spike in traffic


The key to this approach is to actually change the post’s “Published” date in WordPress.


When you change the post’s “published” date, your post appears at the top of your blog feed.

To change the date, just head over to that post and click the “edit” link under the post’s date:

WordPress published date

Then change the date to today…

Changing published date

…and hit “update”.

Like magic, your post will appear at the very top of your blog feed.

Strategy #6: The Content Roadshow

The Content Roadshow is one of my go-to content promotion strategies.


Because just like with strategy #1 from this post (Targeted Blogger Outreach), you’re getting your content in front of people that are legit interested in your topic.

The difference is that with The Content Roadshow, you’re not only looking for people that shared content on your topic.

You can also email bloggers that write about your topic.

Let me show you how a real-life example of how a Backlinko reader (Emil) used The Content Roadshow to get a HUGE traffic spike:

Analytics – Snacknation

Emil published this post on his company blog.

Snacknation – Employee wellness program ideas

ANd he used The Content Roadshow to get the word out.

Here are the deets…

First, Emil searched for bloggers that covered his topic (employee wellness, human resources and other related topics) on their blog

Emil – Search

And when he found a piece of great content like this one…

RecruiterBox website

…he emailed the author:

Emil – Outreach email

In this case, Kristi asked Emil to submit his content to her content roundup:

Emil – Outreach email – Response

He did… and got a sweet backlink in return:

Emil – Backlink

Strategy #7: Email People and Brands That You Mention In Your Post

This is simple. But it works.

Whenever you mention or link to someone in your content, let them know.

For example, Emil mentioned Authority Nutrition here:

Emil – Authority Nutrition mention

So he sent them a message to let them know that they’ve been featured:

Emil – Authority nutrition email

As you can see, they happily shared his post:

Emil – Authority nutrition response

Bonus Strategy #1: LinkedIn Republishing

LinkedIn is an awesome place to syndicate your content.

For example, I published this study of YouTube ranking factors on my blog few years ago:

Backlinko – YouTube ranking factors

This post did well. Lots of people read my post and shared it on social media.

But I KNEW that there were thousands of people that could benefit from my content… but hadn’t seen it yet.

So I republished my content as a LinkedIn article:

LinkedIn article

This (along with my other LinkedIn posts) led to a decent chunk of targeted traffic:

LinkedIn traffic

Bonus Strategy #2: Use “Click to Tweet” Buttons

This happens to me at least once a week:

I read an article, think it’s cool, so I decide to tweet it…

…only I can’t find a tweet button.

So I say “oh well” and close the tab.

Bottom line: You want to make sharing your content on social media extremely easy.

Enter: Click To Tweet Buttons.

Here’s how it works:

First, find something “tweetable” in your content.

This can be a bite-sized tip, strategy, quote or statistic.

For example, I used click to tweet buttons to promote this post:

Backlinko – List building post

Because my post was a list post, I considered each tip on my list “tweetable”.

Tweetable content

Second, create a click to tweet link.

Head over to and write your tweet:

Click-to-tweet website

And the tool will generate a special link for you:

Click-to-tweet link

Finally, include that link in your content.

Whenever someone clicks on the link…

List Building post – Click-to-tweet buttons

…they get a pre-written tweet for easy sharing:

It’s that easy.


It’s harder than ever for your content to stand out.

Even if your content is AMAZING.

In fact, Derek Halpern recommends that you spent 20% of your time creating and 80% of your time promoting.

I don’t necessarily agree with that ratio. But I DO agree with the premise.

And I hope these 7 promotional strategies help you get the word out about your next blog post, video or podcast episode.