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Most Followed Accounts on Social Media (Instagram, X, & TikTok)

Backlinko Team

by Backlinko Team · Updated Apr. 25, 2024

Most Followed Accounts on Social Media – Blog feed image

From celebrities to brands, most followed accounts on social media have an extensive reach to millions of users worldwide.

Below, you’ll find the latest data on the most followed accounts on social media, including a breakdown by specific platform.

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Affiliate Marketing Websites – Blog feed image

An affiliate marketing website promotes another company’s products or services in return for some sort of compensation, usually in the form of a commission.

While it may seem like a pretty simple concept, this form of promotion has grown into a $17+ billion industry that is estimated to reach $28.8 billion by 2027.

But, how do you get in on this action to monetize your website and where do you start?

The best way to start your affiliate journey is by exploring successful affiliate marketing websites.

Once you see what these affiliate websites are doing right, you’ll have a better idea of how to replicate their success for your own site.

Let’s dive right in.

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9 SEO Hacks No One Talks About
9 SEO Hacks No One Talks About
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9 SEO Hacks No One Talks About

Brian Dean

by Brian Dean

9 SEO Hacks No One Talks About

Today I’m going to show you 9 SEO hacks that very few people know about.

In fact, one Backlinko reader used these exact techniques to rank #1 for his target keyword.

So if you’re sick of reading the same old strategies, you’ll LOVE these little-known tips.

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What are URL parameters – Blog feed image

URL parameters are strings of text added to a URL that modify website content and functionality. Or collect data on customer behavior. You can identify URL parameters as text strings following a “?” in a website’s URL.

But the big question is:

Why should this matter to you?

That’s what we’ll cover in this post, including:

  • How URL parameters affect marketing and SEO
  • Google’s perspective on URL parameters
  • Tips to avoid common issues with URL parameters<
What is hreflang? – Blog feed image

Hreflang is an HTML attribute that specifies the language and regional targeting of a webpage. You use it on international or multilingual websites to signal to search engines—notably Google—the language or regional variation of your content.

With hreflang properly implemented on your website, someone making an online search from Germany is more likely to see the German version of your site in their search results.

While someone in the United States would most likely see the English version.

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